Insured Events
These are the events that you can make a claim for, if they cause loss or damage to your contents. There are limits, conditions and exclusions which apply, so check out the policy documents to make sure you’re up to speed.
Including water overflowing from things like lakes, rivers, or dams.
That's rain, wind, thunder, that sort of thing. FYI, storm damage is one of our most common claims, so this is a biggie.
Storm surge
That's a rush of water pushed from the sea onto the land caused by very strong winds. It doesn't include actions or movements of the sea. The loss or damage caused by storm surge must happen at the same time as other insured damage caused by storm.
Including power surges caused by lightning, will be covered providing a qualified repairer confirms lightning as the cause of loss or damage.
Loss or damage caused by fire (includes bushfire) and heat, ash, soot and smoke that is the direct result of a fire within 100 metres of the insured address.
Earthquake & Tsunami
These may not be likely, depending on where you live, but you'll be covered just in case.
Theft or burglary
This also includes attempted theft, if nothing is stolen but the attempt causes damage that needs repairing.
Escape of liquid
This refers to sudden and unexpected loss or damage caused by liquid escaping from certain appliances, fixed pipes, drains, waterbeds and more.
This refers to damage caused by impact from falling tree branches, power poles or TV antennas.
Damage by an animal
Not your pets, though. This refers to damage caused by animals (not insects, vermin or rodents) who aren’t supposed to be there.
We cover the loss or damage caused by an explosion but we don’t cover the cost of replacing or repairing the item or container that exploded.
Riot, civil commotion or public disturbance
An example would be damage caused by a violent crowd moving down your street.
Malicious acts and vandalism
This includes things like vandals damaging your letterbox or tagging the building with graffiti.
Insured Events listed above apply to AAMI Home Insurance products, excluding Fire & Theft Contents Insurance which is limited to loss or damage by Fire, Theft or Burglary. We don't insure you for bushfire, storm, storm surge, flood or tsunami for the first 72 hours of your policy. Very limited exceptions apply. Read the PDS for more detail.