Health Insurance Reform

Upcoming changes to health insurance premium and health cover

Each year we review our health covers to ensure they continue to provide our customers with value for money health insurance that meets their needs. As a result of this review, we have made adjustments to our available health cover options. Also, we have implemented the Australian Government’s Private Health Insurance Reforms which we believe will deliver more value to our customers. The Private Health Insurance reforms came into effect as of 1 April 2019. A summary of these changes are provided below.

Changes to hospital cover

A Basic/Bronze/Silver/Gold tiering system was introduced to make it easier to understand how comprehensive your level of cover is. To be categorised in a certain tier, each cover must include a minimum set of services, as set by the Australian Government.

$750 excess option to help you save

Did you know that by increasing your excess level, you can pay less in premium, but a little more if you need to go to hospital? A $750 excess is now available on hospital cover to help you save on your premium.

Age Based Discounting

You may be eligible for up to a 10% discount off your private hospital cover if you are aged between 18-29 years old, known as Aged Based Discounting. The Australian Government introduced the Aged Based Discount as part of the private health insurance reforms, to encourage people to purchase private hospital cover earlier in life. 

Aged Based Discounting is available to new and existing members when you purchase Hospital Cover.  Providing you remain on an eligible hospital cover, you will keep this discount until you turn 41.

The discount you are eligible for varies depending on the age you were when you purchased Hospital cover. The discount rates are shown below













* Age as at the Discount Assessment Date

Removal of selected Natural Therapies

From 1 April 2019, health funds are no longer permitted to pay benefits for selected Natural Therapies as part of a complying health insurance policy. This change is a result of a review conducted by the Government that found there is no clear evidence demonstrating the clinical effectiveness of the therapies being removed.

The affected Natural Therapies are:

  • Western Herbalism
  • Naturopathy
  • Shiatsu
  • Bowen Therapy
  • Iridology
  • Homeopathy
  • Yoga
  • Pilates

Changes to services under new Clinical Categories

To help you understand the hospital services you are covered for, the Australian Government has introduced new Clinical Categories that are uniform across the health insurance industry. These categories group related services together. This is a different approach to how we have described your hospital inclusions in the past, where we have listed services individually.

Already a member?

You may have previously been contacted by us in relation to changes to your current cover and what this means for you. The reference table below provides a summary of changes to hospital cover.