How to protect your car from flood damage


Flooding and storms can inflict severe water damage to vehicles. Flash floods can also occur unexpectedly, so keep an eye out for weather alerts in your local area and know what action to take in a potential flood. Doing things like moving your car to higher ground or into your garage could help avoid water damage.

However, it may not always possible to prevent accidental loss or damage, so you may want to ensure that your car is adequately covered.

Check if your car insurance includes flood cover

Consider checking that your car insurance provides cover for accidental loss or damage in case of flood.

Luckily, AAMI Comprehensive Car Insurance automatically includes cover where the accidental loss or damage was a result of flood, as well as hail, storm, fire, and theft. Refer to the PDS for details.

Our Comprehensive Car Insurance also includes:

  • towing and storage costs,
  • cover for accidental loss or damage to your personal property in the car – like clothing or electronic items, and
  • a lifetime guarantee on the quality of workmanship and materials for repairs authorised by AAMI.

Limits, conditions and exclusions apply, so please read the PDS for full details.

Get a Comprehensive Car Insurance quote

Avoid driving in flooded areas

Stay safe and never drive through floodwaters. Even if you know the road well, the water can hide dangers like deep potholes or roads that may have been completely washed away. Your vehicle may also not be covered for damage if you drive into water.

The safest and smartest decision is to stop and turn around.

Move your car to higher ground or into a garage

Think about where your car would be safest in a flood, either on higher ground or inside your garage.

If you’re driving your car to a flood-safe location, make sure to do the following:

  • Stay tuned to flood updates from your state emergency service or local council.
  • Check road closures before you leave.
  • Pack spare fuel and an extra tyre.
  • Check that your front and rear lights are working.
  • Take a car emergency kit with you.1

To learn more about what should go in an emergency kit, read our article on flood preparation.

Download the AAMI App to get weather alerts

You can also download the AAMI App and subscribe to receive alerts on weather forecasts and warnings in your area. It’s just another way AAMI can help you to protect what matters.

Download the AAMI App

Consider a storm and hail shield car cover

If you’re unable to park your car in a garage or carport, you may want to invest in a quality outdoor car cover to defend against damage from rain, hail or storms.

These can range in price from $300 to $1,000 depending on the size of the vehicle and the level of protection provided.

How to avoid further damage to your car after a flood

Avoid restarting your car

Once floodwaters have receded and it’s safe to do so, inspect your vehicle to see if it has suffered any flood damage.

Even if no obvious damage is visible, don’t try to start your car after it has been in a flood. Floodwaters or rain may have entered the engine or other critical parts, and attempting to start it could further damage your car.

Make a claim for any flood damage

Lodge a claim as soon as possible to ensure any damage to your car is properly assessed. If you’re an AAMI policyholder, visit our Flood & Storm support page.

You can also lodge a claim easily via the AAMI App or by logging into My Account.

Make a claim

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Insurance is issued by AAI Limited ABN 48 005 297 807 AFSL 230859 (AAI) trading as AAMI. Any advice has been prepared without taking into account your particular objectives, financial situation or needs, so you should consider whether it is appropriate for you before acting on it. Please read the relevant Product Disclosure Statement before you make any decision regarding this product. The Target Market Determination is also available.

The information is intended to be of general nature only. Subject to any rights you may have under any law, we do not accept any legal responsibility for any loss or damage, including loss of business or profits or any other indirect loss, incurred as a result of reliance upon the information. Please make your own enquiries.