Insuring a home

Your guide to garage door maintenance

Learn how to maintain your garage door and find out what type of damage to garage doors can be covered under AAMI Home building or Home and Contents policy.

4 things that may cost a lot without Home and Contents Insurance

Discover some costly repairs that can empty the bank without Home and Contents Insurance. Don’t let these expenses catch you off guard.

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Insuring a car

What to do before someone test drives your car

In Australia, we love our cars. And most of us would happily let a potential buyer take a test drive when selling. But find out what you should do before you let someone take your car for a spin!

Be aware of hire car scams after a not-at-fault car accident

Car accidents can be stressful – no doubt about it. Unfortunately, there are third parties who’ll try to take advantage of people in need of help, often under the pretense of a free hire car. Here’s how you can steer clear of scammers after an accident.

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Insuring a business

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